1. Subject of modification

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) regulate the rights and obligations of the tenant of the Pixxla sauna (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) in the short-term rental of a mobile self-service sauna Pixxla with accessories (hereinafter also referred to as “Pixxla”), and the rights and obligations of Pixxla s.r.o., with registered office in Karpatské námestie 10A, Brava Rača — city part of Rača, ID no.: 52 207 528, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, section: Sro, insert no.: 134938/B as the exclusive owner and lessor of the Pixxla sauna (hereinafter “Pixxla s.r.o.”). These GTC are part of the contract for the lease of movable property within the meaning of § 663 et seq. The Civil Code, as amended, concluded between Pixxla s.r.o. and the Customer under the terms of these GTC.

1.2 The Customer may be any natural person at least 18 years of age qualified for legal acts or a legal person who expresses an interest in short-term rental of the Pixxla sauna via the Internet sites pixxla.com, pixxla.sk, pixxla.cz, pixxla.co.uk. By submitting the reservation form on this page, the Customer confirms that he meets the requirement of at least 18 years of age.

1.3 The customer is entitled to use the Pixxla sauna only if he agrees with the GTC. The customer is advised to familiarize himself with these GTC before making a reservation. When re-booking, the Customer is obliged to always familiarize himself with the current wording of the GTC. Pixxla s.r.o. reserves the right to unilaterally change these GTC, while the change to the GTC is effective from the date of their publication on the Internet pages pixxla.com, pixxla.sk, pixxla.cz, pixxla.co.ukBy confirming the reservation, the Customer expresses unconditional agreement with these GTC and their annexes.

1.4 The parts of these GTC which regulate the rights of Customers as consumers do not apply to Customers who cannot be considered consumers. The consumer is exclusively a natural person who, when concluding and fulfilling a contract or order, does not act within the scope of his business activity, employment or profession.

1.5 If the Customer is a consumer, he is covered by protection under Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll.on offenses as amended, Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the premises of the seller and on the amendment and supplementation of certain laws and regulations governing the rights and obligations of the consumer.

1.6 If the Customer is not a consumer, the relationship between the Customer and Pixxla s.r.o. is governed by the provisions of the Commercial Code. The provisions of these GTC regulating the rights of the Customer, who are consumers, do not apply to the Customer who is an entrepreneur and cannot be claimed.

1.7 The supervisory authority is the Slovak Trade Inspectorate, SOI Inspectorate for Bratislava Region, Prievozská 32, P. OR. BOX No. 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27, Department of Supervision, tel. no. 02/58 27 21 72, 02/58 27 21 04, fax no. 02/58 27 21 70.

2. Order and conclusion of the contract

2.1 The Customer shall place the order by filling in and sending the booking form on the website pixxla.com, pixxla.sk, pixxla.cz, pixxla.co.uk, and the use of means of long-distance communication is free of charge.

2.2 When filling out the reservation form, the Customer has the opportunity to choose the exact rental time of Pixxle according to the current offer in the booking form.

2.3 After the reservation has been processed and the price has been paid, the Customer will receive a confirmation of receipt of the reservation without undue delay to the e-mail specified by the Customer in the booking form. The delivery of an e-mail confirming the acceptance of the reservation results in the conclusion of a contract for the rental of movable property between Pixxla s.r.o. and the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”).

2.4 By submitting the booking form, the Customer declares that:

2.4.1 is entitled, in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Slovak Republic, or the country of its citizenship or residence, to conclude a valid Agreement;

2.4.2 will comply with and comply with all rules, obligations, and principles of use of Pixxle set out in these GTC;

2.4.3 The Customer has been informed of the possibility, conditions, deadline, procedure, rights and obligations related to the withdrawal from the Contract;

2.4.4 all information provided on the booking form is true, complete and correct.

3. General Terms and Conditions

3.1 By concluding the Agreement, Pixxla s.r.o. leases Pixxla to the Customer for a pre-agreed time and price and under the conditions specified in these GTC and the Customer accepts Pixxla for rent at the agreed time and undertakes to comply with all the conditions set out in the GTC.

3.2 Pixxla s.r.o. will leave Pixxla to the Customer in full condition fully fit for the purposes of sauna and relaxation, cleaned, disinfected, ready for use by the Customer.

3.3 The Customer shall take over Pixxla together with the accessories (towels, sheets) in order and condition fully fit for the purposes of sauna and relaxation and undertakes to leave Pixxla undamaged after the end of the lease and in the condition in which it was taken over.

3.4 If, when downloading Pixxle, the Customer notices any damage, malfunction or any defect on Pixxli, he is obliged to immediately contact Pixxla s.r.o. by phone at +421 950 494 421 and notify him of this.

3.5 The customer undertakes to use Pixxla only for the agreed purpose, which is sauna and relaxation.

3.6 It is strictly forbidden to smoke or consume alcohol in Pixxle.

3.7 Under no circumstances may the Customer manipulate the Pixxla or move or lift it in any way.

3.8 The customer is responsible for any damage caused to Pixxli during the rental period. The Customer is also liable for damages caused by persons accompanying the Customer, as if caused by the Customer himself.

3.9 The customer undertakes to act responsibly in relation to compliance with safety rules. In the event of an accident, the customer is obliged to immediately call for help and report the incident to Pixxla, s.r.o. At the same time, the customer is obliged to take and carry out all measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of an accident.

3.10 Pixxla s.r.o. is not responsible for accidents or accidents caused by non-compliance with the GTC. By concluding a rental agreement, the customer honestly declares that his state of health is fully fit for sauna. Pixxla s.r.o. does not bear any responsibility for any health problems arising as a result of sauna.

4. Price for renting Pixxle

4.1 The prices listed on www.pixxla.sk, www.pixxla.cz, www.pixxla.wom, www.pixxla.co.uk for renting Pixxle are final.

4.2 The final price is indicated on the booking form immediately before sending the form and includes any other fees associated with the rental of Pixxle.

4.3 After sending the booking form and paying the price through Stripe's payment gateway, the Customer will receive an email confirming the booking and payment of the price.

5. Changes in the Agreed Terms and Termination of the Contract

5.1 The Customer may change the chosen date or cancel the reservation and withdraw from the Contract no later than 24 hours before the agreed start of the Pixxle rental. The customer can do so by sending an email to: rezervacie@pixxla.sk, or by phone: +421 950 494 421

5.2 In case of withdrawal from the Contract within the specified period, the Customer will be refunded the full amount of the price paid for the rental of Pixxle on the basis of the registration form no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the Contract.

5.3 Pixxla s.r.o. is entitled to unilaterally withdraw from the Contract no later than 24 hours before the agreed start of the Pixxle lease, in the event that Pixxla s.r.o. evaluates the Customer's data in the booking form as doubtful, false, incorrect or incomplete, it is entitled to unilaterally withdraw from the Contract at any time and in writing to the Customer's email in the registration form.

5.4 The contract may also be terminated by agreement of the parties.

5.5 In the event of termination of the Contract before the agreed lease is made in accordance with this article, Pixxla s.r.o. shall refund to the Customer the full amount of the price paid for the rental of Pixxle within a period of no later than 14 days from the date of effective termination of the Agreement.

6. Final Provision

6.1 Failure by Pixxla s.r.o. to exercise any right or claim under these GTC does not constitute a waiver or waiver of these rights and Pixxla s.r.o. is entitled to exercise such right or claim at any time.

6.2 Pixxla s.r.o. shall not be liable for damages or any failure to comply with the obligations under the Agreement and these GTC in the event that the damage or failure to comply with the obligation occurred as a result of an unavoidable and unforeseeable event (force majeure). For the avoidance of doubt, any restrictions adopted or imposed by public authorities in relation to COVID-19 are also considered to be force majeure.

6.3 If any provision of these GTC should be invalid already at the time of its issuance, or if it becomes invalid later, this does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the GTC. In place of the invalid provisions of the GTC, the provisions of the Civil Code, the Commercial Code and other valid legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, which in their content and purpose are closest to the content and purpose, shall be used.

6.4 For the delivery of electronic messages (e-mail), the electronic document is deemed to have been delivered to the Customer by sending it to the addressee's e-mail box. In the case of service of documents, the consignment shall be deemed to have been delivered even if the addressee refuses to accept it or if the addressee does not accept it through his own fault or omission. In this case, it shall be deemed to have been received after the expiry of the storage period at the post office for the duration specified by the sender and the return of the consignment to the sender, of which the sender must show undamaged evidence. Notices delivered through the courier service will be deemed to have been received at the time of receipt by the addressee. In case of failure of delivery by courier service, the moment of delivery shall be deemed to be the third day after the first delivery attempt has been made, and the execution of the delivery attempt shall be evidenced by the declaration of the courier service.

6.5 Legal relations between the Customer and Pixxla s.r.o., which are established by the conclusion of the Contract, are governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic, insofar as it does not contradict the mandatory norms of generally binding legislation. The general courts of the Slovak Republic shall be competent for resolving disputes between the Contracting Parties, if this does not contradict the cogent norms of generally binding legislation.